I think it's bull**** that this was a gorrila event and they weren't selling axles. We finally found a vendor that had 2 gorrila's left. IMO I think there axles or lacking. they are suppose to go 42 degrees. I couldn't get it to bolt in the rear on a stock Brute with a 2" without taking off the shock and then we had hell getting the shock back on. That's not even 30 degrees. These new style axles that are comming from china or wherever they are getting them SUCK. Because of that thanks gorrila for wasting my time.
Other then all that I had a good time. The park was great other then the sand pit that was all jacked up. I seen alot of people that I haven't seen in awhile.
Hey sscard thanks for the help and the shrimp!!
Fill free to post pics of mudstock if you have em.
Thanks to you and Barry for letting us ride, I had a blast. Also thanks for helping me with my ride. We got hung up at that concert and didn't get to tell yall thanks before yall left. Lookin forward to doin it again. Keep us posted on Matt's bike that thing is lookin sweet.